CSS Naked Day 2024

Show off your semantic <body>!

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Kudos to these websites who got naked in 2024!

  1. alifeee's website, blog, and weeknotes
  2. André Casal
  3. Anthony Ciccarello
  4. Antoine Villepreux
  5. Arne Bahlo
  6. Ash_Crow
  7. Ava Gaiety W.
  8. Ben Buchanan
  9. benji
  10. Blain Smith
  11. Blake Watson
  12. Branden Higby
  13. charakterziffer
  14. Chris Burnell
  15. Daniel Sellergren
  16. Daryl Sun
  17. David Roessli
  18. Denis Defreyne
  19. Dominik Schwind: LostFocus
  20. Due Chiacchiere
  21. Elmar Klausmeier
  22. Emma Juettner
  23. Evan Boehs
  24. Felix Waller
  25. Fiehe.info
  26. Frills
  27. Go Free Range
  28. Jens Oliver Meiert: Frontend Dogma
  29. joelchrono
  30. Katherine Yang
  31. Keaton Guderian
  32. mart-e
  33. Matt Peperell
  34. Matthias Zöchling
  35. Mikkel Munch Mortensen
  36. Nathan Knowler
  37. Owen Blacker
  38. Proto
  39. Robin Massart
  40. Sara Joy
  41. Terence Eden
  42. Tom Hazledine (some of which is always naked)
  43. Yours?